Counseling Near Me Normal IL

Counseling Near Me Bloomington IL

Blueze Wellness – Counseling Near Me Normal IL – 2412 East Washington Street, Suite 4B, Bloomington, IL – Call 309-585-2116

The pace of modern day living can seem to be get faster and more hectic for many people. Certainly, it can seem like a quite a challenge to juggle the demands of work and personal life. It’s not uncommon for people to deal with levels of stress that seem to increase each day. Consequently, they may experience negatively results on their mental and physical health. Some common physical problems resulting from stress can include headaches, high blood pressure, sleeplessness and immune system deficiencies.

Likewise, stress can cause psychological issues such as anger, anxiety, irritability and depression. Finding effective ways to reduce stress is, not surprisingly, essential for one’s general health. Dieting right, exercise and adequate sleep are the cornerstones of a healthy lifestyle. However, when these usually effective practices fail to improve wellness, consider Counseling Near Me Normal IL.

Here are some of the typical signs that Counseling Near Me Normal IL can be very helpful for you:

-Excessive, persistent worries. If you feel like anxiety is impairing your ability to conduct typical activities, counseling can help you. Anxieties can keep you up during the night when you should be getting restful sleep.

-Feelings of sadness, lack of motivation. Signs of depression can include sadness, low energy, suicidal thoughts, overwhelming despair and irritability. Additionally, depression can rob you of your ability to find enjoyment in activities in which you normally take pleasure. Without a doubt, talking about what you are experiencing during Counseling Near Me Normal IL can be beneficial.

Blueze Wellness – Get Help If You’re Struggling with Depression – Call 309-585-2116

-Abuse or trauma. Coming to terms with abusive relationships or emotional trauma is essential for making progress and improving mental health. Trauma can, certainly, result in long-term emotional scars that negatively affect you. It can affect your relationships, work, school and general ability to interact with people.

-Problems with relationships. Do you feel as though your relationship is no longer fulfilling? Are you no longer capable of effective communication with your partner? If so, you are not alone. Counseling Near Me Normal IL presents a practice step towards restoring your relationship.

-Challenging life changes. Practically everyone faces tough life situations from time to time. They can range from divorce or job loss to loss of a family member or moving to a new place. When challenges like these come up and you experience difficulty, talking to a counselor is helpful. Counseling Near Me Normal IL offers an effective way of processing your emotions.

-Addictive behaviors. If you are battling any sort of addiction, it may be signal you’re trying to process problematic emotions. However, turning to drugs, alcohol or excessive eating is an unhealthy way to address them. A professional counselor can help provide you with effective tools that will enable you to overcome addictive behaviors.

-Obsessive behaviors. Spending lots of time on tasks like washing hands, locking doors or checking voicemail is a sign of compulsive behavior. To that end, taking part in counseling can be very beneficial to controlling those behaviors.

Call Blueze Wellness – 309-585-2116

Along with helping address these and other issues, seeking Counseling Near Me Normal IL can provide helpful insight. Although you may feel hesitate to reach out for help, taking that first step is critical. Talking with our experienced mental health experts can reduce your symptoms. Through counseling, you learn to cope in beneficial ways that ultimately improve your life and relationships.

Bio Identical Hormone Therapy at Blueze Wellness

Preventive therapy can help identify if you have a hormonal imbalance. Our staff can develop a treatment strategy that’s custom to your needs, putting you on track to better health.

Hormones, which the endocrine glands produce, act as the body’s chemical messaging system. They are a potent chemical that travel through the bloodstream. Basically, hormones “instruct” the organs and tissues what to do. They help manage a lot of the body’s major functions such as reproduction and metabolism.

In the event of a hormonal imbalance, theirs is too much or not enough of a specific hormone. Even minor changes can have a major impact throughout your entire body.

Consider hormones as an ingredient in a recipe. Too little or too much of any single ingredient will affect the end product. Although some hormonal levels change due to the natural aging process, other fluctuations occur if the endocrine glands produce incorrectly.

Without a doubt, hormones fill an important role in your general health. To that end, there’s a wide range of various symptoms that could indicate an imbalance. Your symptoms can depend upon which glands or hormones aren’t functioning properly. Typical hormonal conditions that affect both women and men could lead to symptoms such as:

  • -Depression.
  • -Decrease in sexual interest, sex drive.
  • -Anxiety, nervousness or frequent irritability.
  • -Blurry vision.
  • -Excessive sweating.
  • -Rapid weight gain or weight loss.
Bioidentical Hormone Therapy at Blueze Wellness – Call 309-585-2116
  • -Persistent fatigue.
  • -Increasing sensitivity to heat or cold.
  • -Constipation or increase in bowel movements.
  • -Excessive dry skin or facial puffiness face.
  • -Increasing or decreasing heart rate.
  • -Muscle tissues weakness.
  • -Frequent urination.
  • -Aching muscles, stiffness or tenderness.
  • -Stiff, painful or swollen joints.
  • -Pink or purple stretch marks.

Symptoms of hormonal imbalances usually specific to women are:

  • -Irregular or heavy periods, or missed periods.
  • -Excessive hair growth upon the chin, face or other areas of the body.
  • -Recurring acne upon the upper back, face or chest.
  • -Hair loss or thinning, brittle hair.
  • -Difficulty losing weight or rapid weight gain.
  • -Darkening of areas of the skin, particularly along the creases of the neck, groin or underneath the breasts.
  • -Skin tags.
  • -Vaginal dryness or atrophy.
  • -Pain during sexual intercourse.
  • -Night sweats.
Testosterone is a hormone that serves an important part in male development. If your body is not producing sufficient amounts of testosterone, it may lead to range of symptoms.

Symptoms of hormonal imbalance in men include:

  • -Erectile dysfunction.
  • -Breast tenderness of development of breast tissue.
  • -Decline in muscle tissue mass.
  • -Low sex drive, diminishing interest in sex.
  • -Infertility.
  • -Hot flashes.
  • -Decrease in body hair or beard growth.
  • -Osteoporosis.
  • -Trouble concentrating.

Puberty is a life stage when girls and boys begin production of sex hormones. Some children may experience a delay in puberty, but eventually do experience it normally. However, some may have a hormonal imbalance. Symptoms in boys include:

  • -Lack of development of muscle mass.
  • -Voice does not change or become deeper.
  • -Sparse growth of body hair.
  • -Impairment of testicular development.
  • -Excessive growth of the legs and arms in relation to the rest of the body
  • -Development of breast tissue.
Schedule a Consultation – Call Blueze Wellness – 309-585-2116

In girls, symptoms of hormonal imbalance can include:

  • -Period does not start.
  • -Breast tissue does not develop.
  • -No increase in growth rate.

Possible causes of hormonal imbalance

There are a number of factors that may lead to a hormonal imbalance. These can vary depending upon particular glands or hormones. Common causes that can lead to hormonal imbalances include:

  • -Diabetes.
  • -Underactive or overactive thyroid gland.
  • -Hypogonadism.
  • -Thyroiditis.
  • -Benign or cancerous tumors.
  • -Reaction to medications.
  • -Eating disorder.
  • -Trauma and stress.
  • -Adrenal insufficiencies.
  • -Physical injury or traumas.
  • -Undergoing cancer treatments.