Bioidentical Hormone Therapy Chenoa IL

Bioidentical Hormone Therapy Chenoa

Bioidentical Hormone Therapy Chenoa IL – Blueze Wellness – 309-585-2116

From our physical state to emotional swings, hormones play a very critical role in how the body functions. Even a slight hormonal imbalance can have a significant impact.

Serving as the body’s messenger, hormones circulate through the bloodstream to tissues and organs. They function at various speeds in connection with specific processes such as growth, for example. However, there’s much more that hormones do within the body that enables the organs to function regularly.

In women, the hormone estrogen relates things like hair and skin texture. In contrast, testosterone fills this role in males with respect to hair, skin and the voice. If you observe that your hair no longer has a healthy sheen, a hormone imbalance may be the cause. When an imbalance occurs in hormone levels, it will impact the body in one way or another. Consequently, that’s why it’s so important to maintain general health and wellness.

Bioidentical Hormone Therapy Chenoa IL – Blueze Wellness – 309-585-2116

A healthy outlook and lifestyle enables hormones to perform their tasks. When they exist in excess, it can result in acne, nipple discharge from non-pregnant women and unusual hair growth patterns. In the event you notice these symptoms, contact Blueze Wellness for a consultation.

The sooner you obtain treatment the better. In some cases, patients may not require medication. However, with the benefit of lifestyle improvements it’s possible to reverse the damage. Still, it is critical to be proactive and seek assistance from professionals. Delaying will only allow symptoms to progressively worsen.

Contact our facilities today to learn more about treatments for hormonal imbalances. At Blueze Wellness, bioidentical hormone therapy is just one of many professional services we offer. Along with clinical nutrition and fitness prescriptions, we also provide counseling too. We look forward to hearing from you!